Category: Comments
Date: 22 Nov 1999
Time: 05:49:49
Remote Name:
I have a David Rohl mailing list & we'd love for any fans to be a part of it! Its called the NewChronology community.
The description of this community is:
For Fans of David Rohl, author of "Pharoahs & Kings: A Biblical Quest",& the video series, "A Test Of Time". This list is intended for either David Rohl fans or for those wishing to learn more about The New Chronology for Egypt, & how it lines up perfectly with the Old Testament Narratives. Traditional Chronologists are welcome if they are open to learn about the New Chronology. It is not designed to argue the Traditional against the New--there are plenty of Traditional Egyptology lists for this!
You can join this community by going to the following web page:
Or you can join by sending email to the following address:
Cami McCraw