Date: 18 Jan 1998
Time: 19:17:56
Remote Name:
My wife is taking a course in Ancient Art and has been tasked to write a paper on a Painted Chest found in the antechamber of King Tutankhamen's tomb. The chest is approximately 20 inches long and had clothing in it when found.
Any information/pictures of the chest would really be a big help for her paper.
Date: 02 Dec 1997
Time: 20:44:04
Remote Name:
I am very much in love with ancient egypt.And to be an archeologist and work in the area of ancient egyptian artifacts would be a dream come true.My only question is how to get started.How do you go about starting a career in that direction.It would be greatly appreciated if you were to E-Mail me with some information.Thank-You. Nicole Wright
Date: 23 Jun 1997
Time: 09:42:46
Remote Name:
After having visited Giza December last year, I found Hancock and Bauval's book "Keeper of Genesis" at my local airport on my way home. I read it witih great interest. Later I also found "The Orion Mystery" and "Fingerprints of Gods"and "From Atlantis to the Sphinx" by Colin Wilson. Being new to the field og egyptology (I am a linguist), I wonder how the establishment regards these ideas.
Olaf Husby