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- Climate - Health - Currency - Visas - Weights & Measures - Electricity - Communications - Etiquette - Transport - Tours - Hotels - Restaurants - Museums and Art Gallaries - |
In general, Egypt is a hot, arid country. However, the climate
of the Nile Delta and the valley of Upper Egypt are different.
The Delta is more moderate with summer temperatures averaging
90-100 degrees Fahrenheit and high humidity near the
Mediterranean coast. The average annual rainfall is eight inches
which falls mostly in winter when it is cooler. The rest of the
country is characteristic of a desert climate with hot summer
temperatures ranging from 100-110 degrees Fahrenheit. Winters are
warm at 65 degrees Fahrenheit, but evenings are cold. Also, dry
sand winds sometimes blow in from the desert, especially in
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No vaccinations are necessary for entry into Egypt unless a
traveler has been in an infected area prior to arrival. In this
case inoculations against cholera and yellow fever are essential.
Relevant information must be displayed on an International
Vaccination Certificate.
Despite tap water in Cairo being drinkable and safe, tourists are
still recommended to drink bottled water. People are advised to
check that the bottle is sealed correctly.
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The Egyptian pound (LE) or ginih is the local currency. It is
broken up into 100 piasters (PT) or irsch. The bills are marked
in English on one side and Arabic on the other, and only colors
and numerals separate the different denominations, eg: LE1,
brown; LE5, blue; LE10, red and LE20, green. In August 1991, the
exchange rate was LE3.30 to 1 US$.
Money transfers from banks abroad are now possible, or
alternatively, you can send a draft check by courier or express
Currency regulations are strict and must be adhered to. All
foreign money must be declared on arrival into the country.
Official bank receipts for currency changed in Egypt have to be
produced. Credit cards and travelers' cheques are honored in most
hotels, restaurants and tourist shops.
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All travelers to Egypt need both a valid passport and visa.
Although visas may be obtained at Cairo airport, Alexandria or
Taba, it is recommended that they should be applied for
beforehand. Visas can be obtained from any Egyptian Consulate,
but fees differ from place to place. They are only valid for up
to one month, but can be extended. It is essential that all
tourists register with the local police within seven days of
arrival. There is no airport departure tax as it is incorporated
into the price of the air ticket.
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Weights and measurements are generally metric with the
exception of the feddan and its sub-divisions: kadah, rob, keila
and ardeb. Each sub-division represents a different weight
depending on the material, e.g: the approximate weight of the
ardeb is as follows: wheat, 331.5lbs; beans, 342.6lbs; barley,
265.2lbs; maize, 309.4lbs. Unless one is planning on buying land
or growing crops, these need not be used.
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The electricity and voltage in Egypt follows the British
system of 220v apart from sections of the Garden City in Cairo.
Two-pronged European plugs can fit into the sockets, but American
appliances will need adapters.
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The telephone system in Egypt has recently been completely
overhauled, considerably improving telecommunications in the
area. As a result, numbers have been changed from six to seven
digits. In Cairo, if the number you want has six digits, add the
prefix 2. The country calling code is 20-2. Telephones are
available in all hotels, airports, railway stations, public
buildings and telephone offices. Most convenient for travelers
without access to a hotel is the telephone office which handles
all different types of calls and is identified by a sign showing
a telephone dial. A local call costs 10 piasters and pay phones
only accept aluminium piaster pieces. International and
long-distance calls can either be billed through AT&T or
through an international line. It is not possible to call
long-distance on a pay phone nor is it possible to call collect.
Most major hotels in Cairo have telex and fax facilities and the
approximate cost is LE3-5 (Egyptian pounds) per minute. Telegrams
can also be sent from any major hotel at a cost of about 50
piasters per word. The main government telegraph, telex and
telephone complex can be found in the Cairo central railway
Poste restante is not the most reliable way of receiving mail and
it is recommended to accept it through a hotel, or, for members
only, American Express. The US Embassy no longer accepts mail for
traveling Americans. There are post offices throughout Cairo but
the central post office is in Attaba Square and is open from 8am
to 7pm daily, except Fridays.
The BBC World Service, Voice of America and other international
broadcasting networks can be picked up on shortwave radio sets in
Egypt. Additionally, Radio Cairo on FM95 broadcasts daily news at
0730, 1430 and 2000 in English. This is alternated with
broadcasts in French, Greek, Armenian and German.
Foreign newspapers are available in Egypt including the
International Herald Tribune, The Guardian, The London Times and
The Wall Street Journal, however, they usually appear two to four
days late. The North African edition of Time and Newsweek are
only available a week after the publication date. Local
newspapers are no longer censored and are useful for information
on cultural entertainment around Cairo.
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As guests in Egypt, tourists should always bear in mind that
they are in a Muslim country. Islam is the national religion and
it is therefore appropriate to administer discretion wherever
possible. Devout Muslims do not use drugs, eat pork, cook with
animal fats or drink alcohol. Nevertheless, they do not object to
foreigners doing so. Be tactful and indulge moderately.
Men must tread carefully when striking up conversation with
unknown Muslim women. It is a serious breach of etiquette and can
cause unnecessary bitterness.
Mosques are a popular tourist attraction and visitors should
never forget to remove their shoes before entering one.
It is customary among Egyptians to always refuse the first
invitation. It is recommended that tourists should do the same.
If the offer is genuine, it will be extended again and it is then
polite to accept.
The Cairenes, as the locals are known, are generally extremely
hospitable and generous. They are warm-natured and easily amused.
Bear in mind that pick-pocketing is common despite Cairo being
one of the safest cities in the world: just keep your eye on your
wallet and your wits about you, and you should be easily charmed
by the local denizens.
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Both cruisers and long-distance ferries connect Egypt with
Europe. Car ferries run from Crete and Piraeus in Greece, as well
as from Venice in Italy and dock in Alexandria. The journey takes
up to three days with many scheduled runs in a month. Passenger
ships that visit Egypt use Alexandria and Port Said on the
Mediterranean or Suez on the Red Sea.
Rather than the traditional ferry, Cairo offers its visitors the
river taxi. The blue, glass-topped boats run from Maspero Station
through to University Bridge, Manial, Rhoda, Giza and Old Cairo.
The following ferry and shipping services travel to Egypt:
The majority of international airlines fly into Cairo, Egypt's
main link to Europe, Asia and Africa. British Airways, TWA and
Egyptair all have daily flights and there are non-stop flights
from most African, Asian and European cities. Transport to
downtown Cairo is by airport bus, public bus or taxi. Airport
buses leave every 20 minutes stopping at the Meridien Hotels, the
Nile Hilton and the Ramses Hilton. Public bus #400 will also go
to the city center. Taxis are plentiful but it is essential to
bargain, or even better, fix a price before leaving the airport.
There is also a limousine service called LimoMisr which consists
of a fleet of Mercedes Benzes. Fixed prices are the norm and
simply ask for the going rate.
AIR FRANCE: 2 Talaat Harb Square,Cairo (743 300).
AIR INDIA: 1 Talaat Harb Square, Cairo (754 864; 754 873).
ALITALIA: Nile Hilton Hotel, Cairo (740 984/7).
BRITISH AIRWAYS: 1 Abdel Salam Aref St, Tahrir Square, Cairo (777
CATHAY PACIFIC: 26 Mahmoud Bassiouni St, Cairo (758 939).
EGYPTAIR: 16 Adly St, Cairo (920 999); 12 Kasr El Nil, Cairo (759
806); Nile Sheraton Hotel (985 408); Heliopolis (668 552);
Airport (454 049/4); Zamalek (412 027).
EL AL AIRLINES: 5 El Makrizi St, Zamalek (411 429).
IBERIA: 15 Tahrir Square (749 955; 749716).
JAPAN AIRLINES: Nile Hilton Hotel, Cairo (740 845).
KLM ROYA DUTCH AIRLINES: 11 Kasr El Nil, Cairo (740 999).
LUFTHANSA GERMAN AIRLINES: 9 Talaat Harb St, Cairo (750 366).
SINGAPORE AIRLINES: Nile Hilton Hotel, Corniche El Nil (762 702).
SWISSAIR: 22 Kasr Nil St, Cairo (757 955).
UNITED AIRLINES: 16 Adly St, Cairo (938 964).
Tourists can enter the country either through Europe or Sudan
by rail. From Europe, tourists under 26 can purchase discount
tickets through BIGE which are available through Eurotrain or,
alternatively, Eurail passes are also recommended. Keep in mind
that despite the tickets covering some ferry connections,
sleeping accommodation on both trains and ferries will be extra.
From Africa there is a train from Khartoum to Wadi Halfa which is
not particularly reliable nor comfortable. This connects with a
steamer boat across Lake Nasser.
There are two bus systems in Cairo: the minibuses which are
reliable and uncrowded as they do not permit standing passengers,
and the public buses which are numbered in Arabic, overcrowded
and not for the weak or faint-hearted. The main station for the
white and orange mini buses is in Midan Tahrir where each
destination is written in both English and Arabic. The mini buses
also stop at designated places.
The public buses, on the other hand, travel only on fixed routes
and can prove confusing as seldom do outward or inward routes
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Tour buses from most agencies in the major hotels are of
international standard and are recommended.
A tour around the area should take a couple of hours, but
allow more time if wanting to explore the surrounding tombs as
well. Service taxis, public mini buses and private taxis all have
scheduled routes to Giza. Service taxis run from Mugama's in
Tahrir to the base of the plateau. Public minibuses 82 and 83
also leave from the same place and drop tourists at the midan.
The pyramids can also be reached by local buses #8, #9, and #900.
Saqqara is divided into northern and southern halves. Most tourists visit sites in the north. To visit the south, though, requires special permission from the Department of Antiquities. A whole day should be taken to visit Saqqara. The different sights are scattered over an extensive area so be sure to wear comfortable shoes. Drinks are available, but food is not. To stay in the area, contact the
Saqqara Palm Club, Saqqara Tourist Rd (018 200 791/921 031).There are no public transportation facilities, hence the most
convenient way to get there is to catch a taxi from Cairo for the
day. It is also recommended that you go with a guide if you are
planning on seeing the whole area.
Five miles south of Saqqara is Dahshur, part of a military area
which can only be visited by special permission that is not easy
to obtain. The view from Saqqara is the closest most visitors
will get.
Meidum, 40 miles from Cairo, is not on normal tour itineraries
and gets little tourist traffic. Therefore, it is not recommended
for the casual visitor. Those that decide to go should wear
durable shoes, sun protection, and bring water.
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If the main attraction for visiting Egypt is the pyramids,
then it would be better to stay in Giza. Some hotels in Giza are:
All different types of cuisine are available and the price
range is just as varied. The hotels generally cater for the more
expensive tastes, but along most of the streets, one can find
foodstalls which are usually safe to eat from and very
reasonable. There are also many medium-priced restaurants serving
different types of cuisine, ranging from Indian to French.
CAN ZAMAN: Saqqara Road (538141).
FELFELA CAFE: Alexandria Desert Road (3831117).
FRENCH PASTERY: 197 - 26 July Street, Agouza (3459939).
HAPPY JOE: El Ahram Street (853103).
HORUS: Sphinx Square, Mohandessien (3446956).
MOGHUL ROOM: Mena House Hotel, Pyramid Road (3877444).
PAPION: 34, 35, 36 Tersana Club Enclosure (3422045).
PIZZA HUT: 10 A Hussien Wassef Street, Dokki (3611347).
SUN DAY: 65 Mohi El Din Abu El Ezz (3491157).
VIENA: 37 El Batal Ahmed Abd El Aziz Street, Mohandessien
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CENTER FOR ART AND LIFE: Formerly the Manisterli Palace on Rhoda
Island, next to the Nilometer (986 931). Open 9am - 2:30pm,
except Fri.
Exhibits of Pharaonic art, ceramics, batik, painting,
photography, handicrafts, glass, pottery and textiles.
COPTIC MUSEUM: Old Cairo (841 766). Open daily 9am - 4pm except
Fri; 9am - 11am and 1pm - 4pm on weekends.
Collection of objects from the Christian era including Coptic
EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES MUSEUM: Found at the north end of Midan
Tahrir (754 310). Open Thurs - Sat 9am - 4pm; Fri 9am - 12pm and
2pm - 4pm).
This museum houses some 20,000 Pharaonic works and is the largest
collection in the world. It came into existence in 1902, the
brainchild of a French archaeologist, Auguste Marriette, who
dedicated most of his life to studying Egyptian artefacts.
EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION MUSEUM: Agricultural Society pavilion in
Gezira (805 198). Open daily 9am - 2pm.
A collection of paintings and sculptures of Egypt from the
prehistoric periods to modern day.
MANIAL PALACE MUSEUM: Follow the eastern Corniche and shore and
it can be found about a kilometer away from the Nilometer. Open
9am - 2pm.
One of Cairo's most beautiful buildings. It includes the Sultan
Muhammad Ali's palace, reception rooms, a private mosque and
hunting museum. Exceptional Islamic styles and furnishings.
MIITARY MUSEUM: The Citadel (920 955). Open daily 9am - 2pm.
A record of military history of Egypt with displays from both
ancient and modern times. Displays include swords, cannons,
rifles, equipment and costumes.
WAX MUSEUM: Helwan (385 93).
The museum has a collection of statues made of plaster, depicting
the history of Egypt from ancient times.
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Revised: November 12, 2009.
Copyright © 1997 by Anthony C. DiPaolo, M.S. / Osiris Web